2010年1月7日 星期四


看到老頑童在Blog<同學會隨想>這篇文章中感嘆圖資同學的小孩竟然也很少上圖書館, 自己有頗有感觸, 深深覺得圖書館利用教育工作需要有更多的推廣. 同日之間又湊巧看到一篇從學生自己觀點陳述上圖書館或感謝圖書館員的85種理由(85 Reasons to be Thankful for Librarians), 長長的85項論點中, 雖然有些不一定是我們圖書館或圖書館員所具有的特性或形象, 例如:

6. Girls with glasses can still rock the “sexy librarian” look.
7. “Sexy Librarian” is still a popular costume at Halloween.

但其中仍不乏一些上圖書館的好理由, 例如:

2. Not all information is on the internet.
5. Even with the internet, the library is still the best place to do research.
13. A library is one of the few places people can have free internet access.
15. Somebody has to help lazy people find what they want.
16. Even online collections of books usually connect directly to a library.
18. Studies have shown libraries and librarians improve student test scores.
21. Librarians also help teachers to use a variety of media in the classroom.
36. Experienced librarians often know exactly what resources students need for particular courses.
42. The internet still mostly only holds information from the past 15 or so years, compared with the hundreds of years of knowledge found in a library.
46. Libraries provide one of the few places for anyone to find quiet area to just read or study.
(太多了, 有興趣的人連到全文慢慢看下去)

對於這一句話: Somebody has to help lazy people find what they want. 特別有感觸, 圖書館員對於各式各樣的圖書館資源使用問題, 都是以最親切,最專業的態度去協助讀者解決問題, 而且還常免費提供師生各種圖書館利用講習課程服務, ...

常上圖書館是不是真的可以提高學業成績, 我不敢肯定. 但若是懂得利用圖書館資源, 其實可以省錢(網路費, 買書費...), 又可增強自己查找資料的能力, 對於將來有興趣唸書做學術研究的人, 應該很有幫助的.

圖書館員也許可以好好的, 認真的想想師生上圖書館的理由有哪些? 或許可以創造出不錯的口號, 吸引更多師生使用圖書館; 除了此外, 或許也來辦個民調, 看看師生不上圖書館的理由是什麼? 只是膽子要大些, 心要平氣要和, 因為接受批評需要有更多勇氣, 但這才是進步的動力, 不是嗎?