隨著電子期刊等電子資源產品的越發成熟,以及圖書館經費等因素的考量下,圖書館對於期刊採購逐年趨向訂購電子期刊. 再加上資訊技術的發展,圖資領域的市場上出現了更多管理電子資源的工具,如ERMS; 亦或是電子資源使用與探索工具(Discovery Search Tools)等, 這些評選系統工具也無可避免的成為期刊館員所需進行或協助系統館員的工作項目.因此從國外一些圖資領域的文獻中可以看到期刊館員(Serials Librarian)的頭銜職稱已逐漸產生一些變化,常與電子資源掛在一起,如以"job posting serials librarian"在 Google中查找, 不乏可看出這種情況. 期刊館員的頭銜名稱變化如:
Serials/Electronic Resources Librarian
Serials and Electronic Acquisitions Librarian
Serials & Electronic Collections Librarian
E-Access/Serials Librarian
Electronic Resources/Serials Librarian
Digital Resources/Serials Librarian
看起來電子資源好像與期刊館員脫離不了關係, 不過組織還是會因其需求,大小或人力而考量是否要進行組織重整工作.例如電子書與電子期刊的工作是否一定要安排在同一組內進行?
職缺: Digital Resources/Serials Librarian
單位: San Diego State University Library and Information Access
all aspects of library serials operations including identification, acquisition, retention, licensing, cataloging/access, faculty liaison, and public service with serials in all formats. (除了期刊採購等工作外, 還要做期刊的編目,教師聯絡館員,還有讀者服務)
職缺:Electronic Resources and Serials Librarian
單位:University of Tennessee, Chattanooga Lupton Library, Materials Processing Department
To managing ongoing, seamless access to electronic and serialized resources in all formats efficiently and effectively. To ensures optimal and accurate access to subscription resources in all formats, including databases, electronic journals and books, print journals and other continuations(不只紙本與電子期刊,還要做資料庫,電子書等)
職缺:Serials/Electronic Resources Librarian
單位:Biddle Law Library, University of Pennsylvania Law School
responsible for all library continuation material in both print and electronic formats and for binding of print material(著重在期刊工作,包含了期刊裝訂, 不論紙本或電子版)
職缺:Acquisitions Librarian
單位:Bernard Becker Medical Library,Washington University School of Medicine in Saint Louis
Responsible for selecting, purchasing, and acquiring all monograph resources, in print and electronic formats. Responsible for handling provider licenses, including the library’s e-books in Serials Solutions, troubleshooting e-book access problems, overseeing the monograph collection for use, relevance, and condition, and writing and monitoring the monograph budget. (電子書還是由採訪組來處理,看起來是一起共用了ERMS系統 - Serials Solutions)
職缺:Electronic Resources/Systems Librarian
單位:King's College (Wilkes-Barre, PA)
works with vendors to facilitate the selection, accessibility, and maintenance of electronic resources and print subscriptions. (這個職稱還包含了系統館員...)