2009年2月20日 星期五


最近在YouTube查找影片時,偶然間發現了這個頻道,Howcast Howcast提供了數百則以上的 "how to "影片,內容包含生活上所遇到各式各樣需要解決與學習的問題,影片都簡短精要並具以提供步驟與做法。其中不乏一些相當有趣的影片,如: "How To Break Up With Someone on Valentine’s Day ",在YouTube中都有相當高的點閱率。以下是Howcast 對於如何改善Google Search的影片。

如果是直接連至Howcast的網站,則提供有主題分類瀏覽功能,同樣也可以進行評分、收藏,或者加到自己的播放列表中。上網稍微Google了一下, 才發現Howcast於2008年被Time雜誌評選為50個最佳網站之一 (50 Best Websites 2008 )。以下是來自Time雜誌的說明:

There's a reason no one ever reads the instruction manual. Ho. Hum. That's why the video how-to site Howcast is such a gem. It breaks from its more staid counterparts, such as Expert Village and eHow, by injecting a necessary dose of humor. Come here to learn "how to make a move on a girl while watching a movie on a couch" and "how to become a saint." Each video is rated — often by thousands of members — so you won't waste bandwidth on the boring ones. We also like WonderHowTo, which neatly indexes and ranks how-to videos from hundreds of other sites.

—Anita Hamilton

此外,這種教人”how to do”的教學影片,似乎有蔚為風潮的可能性,看看紐時摘譯:網路賺錢新招:製作實用教學片 (聯合新聞網)這一篇文章,或許你也可以趁機搶搭這一個熱潮。